... we get the whole spectrum in every Bubble.

Friss topikok

  • perdita karkoschka: két(három)szereplős szappanoperám apró kis szeletéből hullajtok morzsákat a kedves olvasóság számá... (2014.03.02. 05:18)
  • perdita karkoschka: @mallory knox: ferenc egy turista, akivel találkoztam a minap. legalább kicsit beszélhettem... (2014.01.30. 16:50)
  • bakatorro: :))) e má döFi! (2013.11.16. 12:29)
  • perdita karkoschka: jaj, látom állítani kellene a komment betűszínén is... - majd. a lájk nekem annyi, hogy értékelem... (2013.10.10. 16:30)
  • mallory knox: "Ne haragudjon uram, de ez a tegeződést nem igazán értem, ugyanis nem emlékszem, hogy együtt homok... (2013.10.09. 12:56)




Címkék: hp

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you know what? FUCK YOU if you dare to judge me, if you dare to say any shit bad word about me, fuck you if you are so narrow minded that you dare to have the right to humiliate me IN ANY FUCKING WAY. because you know what, you are not any better than me, you are a fucking even less noone than I am, your fucking life is desperate because only fucking YOU and not me, and you have never ever reached further than I did and you know what, you never will, because you are so fucking BLIND and hard and stiff and OLD.
you are the evil not me, you are the creep, you are the motherfucking dishonest piece of shit with all his fucking hidden secrets, you are the one who doesn't know what is honesty, what is a real and open communication, what is respect, what is empathy, and you are the one who does not have and ever had even an idea about what is a real RELATIONSHIP and what does that mean being EQUAL. because man, I'm telling to your deafness and numbness, life is not a competition but it is a fucking teamwork which you don't even understand the meaning of this word. because you are afraid to face the truth and especially facing with your fucking self.

Címkék: hp seggfej nevermind 4evAlone domestic issues vol. infinite happy v-day

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You may be worried that you are judging someone too harshly, or that you are being too unforgiving. Someone has hurt your feelings or wronged you in some way, and naturally your defenses are up. But you do try to be a fair person, and so you may be torn over how to react to this individual now. It isn't easy to be objective when you are close to something. So, if you allow yourself some space from the matter, you will come to the right perspective.

A sign is only a sign if you understand its true meaning. You may now be looking for signs on which way to go or what choice to make as it relates to a current dilemma. But if you aren't careful, you might interpret the signs to say what you prefer them to say, rather than looking at them objectively. If guidance is what you truly seek now, then look at the world around you without prejudice or preconceived ideas. Only then will you get authentic guidance from the cosmos.

Címkék: hp

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A window of opportunity is slowly sliding open for you right this very moment. You may have an inkling about this, but you may be attributing that feeling to your creative mind. But it is not your imagination. There is a golden chance to make a big difference in your life, and it's within easy reach. You could sit around and mull it over and debate with yourself about whether this is the real thing or not, but by the time you're done it might be too late to take advantage of it. Move quickly.

You may be wondering if a choice you recently made or you are about to make is a foolish choice. You may be basing this fear on something someone else said to you. But just because someone gives you an opinion - even someone who you trust and who has your best interests at heart - that does not mean that person is correct. You're a smart person. If you've done your research and you're allowing your intuition to chime in too, then follow what you're feeling, despite what others say.

Címkék: hp

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Something exciting is happening in your love life. You may find that you're feeling sexier and more attractive lately, and the one who loves you is tuning into your romantic vibe. You could take your relationship to a higher level - you could actually reinvent the way you two relate to each other. For single ones, this phase is just as hot for you. You will notice heads turning to get a look at you because you're giving off sparks! Enjoy this time and meet as many new people as you can - "the one" might be among them.

Someone in your life may be suffering from a bruised ego right now. You could experience the side effects of that if you deal with this person today. Don't worry, you probably didn't cause the situation, but you might have to bear the brunt of it. If you're faced with angry reactions or big emotions, just roll with it and be as compassionate as possible. Don't pry or ask a lot of questions, but let this person know you care by being kind and supportive and by offering feedback - but only if you're asked.

Címkék: hp

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If you are feeling lucky now, you are not delusional! You may have been through a rough stretch recently, but at the same time you're experiencing a sense of hope - you believe that everything will soon get dramatically better. You are right. There is no reason to doubt what your intuition is telling you. So when those positive feelings rise up in you and lead to fantasies of better days ahead, don't thwart what you're feeling by being cynical. Something wonderful truly is coming your way!

We've all heard about paying it forward. When someone does something kind or generous for us, most of us tend to want to give back in some way. A popular coffee house recently created an entire promotion out of that concept, where a customer could buy a fellow customer a coffee, and then get one free for him/herself. But you don't have to wait until something good happens to do someone else a kindness. You are now in need of some inner healing, and giving back to someone who needs whatever you have to give would be good for your soul.

Címkék: hp

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You may be having trouble expressing yourself to someone you care about. Whether this is a family member, a friend, or a romantic partner, you are feeling stifled when it comes to conveying your deepest thoughts and feelings. It may be the equivalent of writer's block. You know it's in there, but you just can't put it into words, and the harder you try the more frustrated you become. But there is no rush to say what you have to say. Release the pressure. When you're ready, it will all just come to you.

There is some truth that you may not want to face right now. It involves a difficult realization, and it could require you to put in more effort in a relationship that isn't going all that well. Maybe that truth involves something you did or said that you would love to take back, but can't. However, even though you can't take it back or redo it, you can find a way to make amends. The first step is to acknowledge what happened, and to address it with the other person. From there, it will all get easier.

Címkék: hp

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