... we get the whole spectrum in every Bubble.

Friss topikok

  • perdita karkoschka: két(három)szereplős szappanoperám apró kis szeletéből hullajtok morzsákat a kedves olvasóság számá... (2014.03.02. 05:18)
  • perdita karkoschka: @mallory knox: ferenc egy turista, akivel találkoztam a minap. legalább kicsit beszélhettem... (2014.01.30. 16:50)
  • bakatorro: :))) e má döFi! (2013.11.16. 12:29)
  • perdita karkoschka: jaj, látom állítani kellene a komment betűszínén is... - majd. a lájk nekem annyi, hogy értékelem... (2013.10.10. 16:30)
  • mallory knox: "Ne haragudjon uram, de ez a tegeződést nem igazán értem, ugyanis nem emlékszem, hogy együtt homok... (2013.10.09. 12:56)


you know what? FUCK YOU if you dare to judge me, if you dare to say any shit bad word about me, fuck you if you are so narrow minded that you dare to have the right to humiliate me IN ANY FUCKING WAY. because you know what, you are not any better than me, you are a fucking even less noone than I am, your fucking life is desperate because only fucking YOU and not me, and you have never ever reached further than I did and you know what, you never will, because you are so fucking BLIND and hard and stiff and OLD.
you are the evil not me, you are the creep, you are the motherfucking dishonest piece of shit with all his fucking hidden secrets, you are the one who doesn't know what is honesty, what is a real and open communication, what is respect, what is empathy, and you are the one who does not have and ever had even an idea about what is a real RELATIONSHIP and what does that mean being EQUAL. because man, I'm telling to your deafness and numbness, life is not a competition but it is a fucking teamwork which you don't even understand the meaning of this word. because you are afraid to face the truth and especially facing with your fucking self.

Címkék: hp seggfej nevermind 4evAlone domestic issues vol. infinite happy v-day

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